Freemanville School Site Opposition - Community Support Needed!
Wednesday, Feb 6, 2008
Please take the time to read the following information regarding the proposed High School and Middle School on Freemanville Road, bordering Wood Road and Rolling Links Drive in Milton, GA. We are asking for your assistance and support in opposing this school site on this particular piece of property.
The information below is a recap of previous public statements from Protect Milton over the course of the last year, and then recent evolvement and where we are as of to date. It is important to review this information again for those who may not have had the opportunity to read this information prior.
This is information from the year 2000 from the Department of Environment and Community Development Recommendation on the subject site on Freemanville Road, (for the proposed private Kings Ridge Christian School), zoned AG-1, an undeveloped tract of land surrounded with scattered single family residential development.
The following facts are direct quotes from the recommendation of the Site Plan Considerations for the Kings Ridge Christian School from the Staff of the Department of Environment and Community Development in the year 2000.
When Kings Ridge applied for its Use Permit in the year 2000, the Department of Environment and Community Development issued a denial. They specifically stated in the section of “Other considerations” that they “are concerned with the potential noise and light impacts from the recreation fields on adjoining property owners.” They also stated that, “while there is little that can be done to minimize the sound and light impact from these types of facilities their location on the subject site can be modified so as to minimize any negative impact on neighboring property owners. Limiting the hours for use for the lighted outdoor facilities might also help mitigate the impact on neighboring property owners. The Staff recommended the outdoor lighted facilities be complete by 8 pm on weekdays and by 9 pm on weekends. Setback of all lighted recreation facilities and parking areas from adjoining residentially developed property to 400 feet, which was reflected in the Recommended Conditions section.
In questioning whether the proposed use is consistent with the Land Use or Economic Development plans adopted by the Board of Commissioners: “The proposed school at the requested size with the numerous high impact accessory uses is inconsistent with the long range development plans adopted by the Board of Commissioners which seek to maintain the rural agricultural character of the northwestern section of Fulton County”.
On the effect of proposed activity on traffic flow from this (Kings Ridge) school, on adjoining streets: (Year 2000) Staff anticipates a significant impact on the traffic flow in the surrounding area. Staff anticipates a maximum of 3,849 vehicle trips per day to the site and 978 peak hour vehicle trips. (This was for a school that would have at capacity 1400 maximum students attending and a stadium for 3000 students). Katie Reeves (BOE) states the school will not have any new students and their will be no more traffic impact. In the Milton Herald on page 6, (6/27/07) she states that “100’s of students will enroll over the next several years”. On page 25 of the same issue she states,” As far as traffic concerns, Reeves notes the new school will not be bringing in new students, it will serve students already in the system who now travel down the road to Milton High School”) Her statements are contradictory.
The space (Kings Ridge) encompassed 84.08 acres and noted that of its total acreage there is a large amount of open space dedicated to outdoor athletics. They were required to provide a 75 foot wide natural undisturbed buffer along all interior property lines and a 10 foot improvement setback interior to each of the required buffers. A 10 foot wide landscape strip is required along Freemanville Road.
In the staffs opinion the proposed private school at the requested size will have a definite impact on the low density residential and rural agricultural character of the surrounding area. They further noted the Board’s recent efforts (year 2000) to maintain the character of this segment of Fulton County throughout the adoption of the Northwest Fulton Overlay District and recent Board denials of high impact uses in the area. Staff does not view a school campus of this magnitude as compatible with the surrounding land uses.
Their conclusion was, “Given the size of the proposed school, the extent of the proposed facilities, the impact of the hours of operation, the impact of the lighting and the parking and recreation areas and the impact of the tremendous increase in traffic in the area combined with the Board’s policy to maintain a rural agricultural character in the area through the adoption of an overlay district and their recent denials of other high impact uses, Staff recommends the petition for Land Use Permit to be DENIED”.
Now I ask the community how the Department of Environment and Community Development can make the recommendations above regarding a private school requesting to build on this same exact site several years ago, but it is okay for the BOE to take advantage of a previous situation and now build a much larger impacting public school and possible middle school, on the same piece of property with no accountability to the community, the City, the DNR, the EPA, the Environment, and the Watershed, on the recommendations from Fulton County as stated above regarding the Kings Ridge proposed private school. If the environmental issues and problems for building a smaller private school on this exact site warranted denial from Fulton County, then the BOE must be held accountable for not placing a school on this site for the very same reasons.
As of Today, February 6, 2008, Environmental studies have been completed (and paid for by private residents) on Chicken Creek and this property in the last few months and the facts determine and recommend that the State of GA EPD should not allow the BOE to proceed with the building of any school on this site on septic. We have completed comprehensive reports and data to support our statements. Doing so would greatly increase the impairment of the waters associated with this property, including Chicken Creek, the secondary streams and the 2.5 acre lake. Chicken Creek is in the Coosa Basin Watershed and runs to Lake Allatoona which is drinking water for North West Georgia. In addition to this the piping of any part of the streams on this property will be completely detrimental to Chicken Creek and the waters in Georgia. The septic system alone for the proposed high school would put “conservatively” over 100,000 gallons of septic in the ground on a daily basis. This amount does not include the already approved Elementary School and possible Middle School septic contributions.
The BOE has the availability of other sites in Milton to build schools and our community recommends the schools be built on sewer first and foremost. If no sewered sites are available and the need is warranted for the population of Milton, then other sites should be considered in Milton which would be the most least impacting to the environment and the Watersheds. The community and City Council should be pushing to have our schools built on sewer first and foremost.
Just as the new Birmingham Elementary school will cause redistricting and rezoning of schools, the new high school will also be rezoned and redistricted. The existing Milton High School, that is in our City and bears our name, will no longer house majority students from Milton. Katie Reeves was quoted in the Milton Herald in April, 2007 stating that “once the school is built they will redistrict and rezone”. Katie Reeves stated in the meeting at Summit Hill (on video tape), claiming around 75% or more students after redistricting would be from Alpharetta primarily in the existing Milton High School. Katie Reeves also stated at this meeting regarding the use of the “old” Milton High School, that they couldn’t possibly take the Independent students (450) currently using this underutilized Old High School site because they plan on having 850 Independent students there, mind you, not from this area, they will be busing these students in as they are now. It is more important to underutilize this school for students that aren’t from here then to adaptively reuse this great location and reclaim this historical High School site for a school for Alpharetta and its students.
This new high school is not being built for the population needs of the City of Milton, 23,000 residents.
This new school is being built for the needs of the city of Alpharetta. Their population is what is driving the needs for new schools and Milton is now the target location of the BOE for these schools thru the use of redistricting and rezoning.
We need immediate assistance and support from everyone in this community regarding this school site. The number one reason is Environmental. If you are concerned in the least bit for the water situation in Georgia then we need your help. The best way to help is to help your immediate community by supporting the relocation of this site to a more environmentally respective location. The other reasons as stated above by the EPD are traffic, noise, and the 2025 North Fulton Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The statistics above are from the year 2000. What are today’s numbers regarding the traffic count? The City has adopted the 2025 land use plan and how does the placement of this school fit in with our land use plans currently? It doesn’t.
The community is immediately ready to engage the BOE and the City of Milton regarding this site and we need your support. Information on how to make a donation will be coming soon.
Please contact as soon as possible:
Chair, Lisa Cauley: email:, or call 678-428-4254,
Please sign the petition against this proposed school location!!!