Blogger Note: Based on the facts, and always a bit of the nasty rumor virus mixed in, decisions were made in Milton during the last few years that certainly were politically motivated, job security motivated, bad press and public relations for the City, not to mention the volume of ethics complaints against one another, and even the executive training/therapy session turned into a bigger ridiculous issue - there are too many reasons not to consider taking a moment to protect -something.
How can we call ourselves different than any other small city? We are lucky to have the passion among us to stand up and make our priorities known to the "government" we all fight against - but voted for - by the separation from Fulton County.
Just use your voice and make a difference not matter what your opinion on sewage in our water.
Wake up. This is big news.
Let's get As Milton Turns taken off the air...
All - Rolling Links Residents, Wood Road Residents, Freemanville Road Residents as well:
This is a picture of N. Fulton HS under construction right now. I thought everyone in WC and on Rolling Links Drive and Freemanville should see this so they will know what to expect if the Freemanville HS is built. Notice the homes that border the school property, not much of a buffer. Notice there are no trees, clear cut. The other two lane road could represent Freemanville, then Wood Rd. on the other side -- septic waste in all on our waterways.
Sometimes a pictures says it all. We can win this fight environmentally and have it move from this site to a better location for the City, and most importantly for survival of the Watershed, and Chicken Creek. We cannot do this without donations to proceed.
For more information go to our website or contact me directly.
Lisa Cauley, Chair, Protect Milton, Inc.
EMAIL: protectmilton@aol.com WEBSITE: www.protectmilton.com
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