It's beginning to look like animals are being dropped off in Milton because folks may not be able to care for them?? Not certain why the increase but recently, there have been many more cases of dogs showing up in subdivisions. Last week another black lab mix was kicked out of a van and left at a home on Freemanville Road. The homeowner watched the whole thing but couldn't get there quick enough to get a license plate. The dog just ended up walking down the road. Two weeks ago, another family on Wood Road had a litter of kittens dropped off at their home. Another litter dropped off on Brittle Road a while back. Y'all probably know of more stories like this around your own neighborhood.
Please forward emails about lost/found animals so we can reunite pets with families or find new homes for them, if needed. This email distribution list is limited.
Received Monday, June 2nd::
Hi everyone....yesterday we acquired a third dog! She arrived in our yard and stayed here for hours-no collar or tags. I took her to our vet, and she has no chip. They helped me a little with some ticks she had-we applied frontline and she seems in pretty good health, so I'm at a loss as to where she came from. She is SO sweet! Wonderful with our kids, you can tell she's been around people, ridden in a car etc. I'm going to post some signs today but I'm sending this email to see if anyone could possible know of where she could belong, or if you would want to take her into your home to keep or know someone that would want to. I would keep her-that's how much I love her!....but with 2 dogs already we just can't. I really wouldn't be promoting her if I didn't think she was great-I'm just heartbroken because I just can't take her to Fulton Co. :( Please email me...forward this on...anything you can do to help-we need to solve the problem in the next day or so. Thank you! Rashell (bleeding heart dog lover!) :))
Here she is in attached files-she looks to me like a black lab mix-with a little white on her front-she's about 45lbs.-medium sized dog.
We live in Stratforde Estates off of Hopewell almost at the corner of Cogburn and Francis in Alpharetta/Milton.
I will be taking her in the morning somewhere if we don't get her placed, I have had no calls on her from my flyers and she needs to go to the vet asap.
CONTACT: rashellscott@comcast.net
-From a recent Yahoo News Story about pets and our economy. Many are being dropped off in other people's yards.
The deepening foreclosure crisis is having an effect. A growing number of pet owners are abandoning their pets or surrendering them to shelters after losing their homes or being forced into housing that doesn't allow animals, said Brian Adams, spokesman for the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals-Angell Animal Medical Center.
"We've seen where people have abandoned dogs in the house, we've seen dogs that have been surviving for weeks on toilet water, we've seen dogs that have either been chained up outside or left in the yard when the people have left, we've seen cats who are just set free," Adams said.
"We've seen people do something sort of in the middle of the road — where they don't abandon it, they don't surrender it, but they give it to a neighbor or friend and then that person brings it in maybe a week or two later when they realize, you know, it was something that was sort of dumped on them when they weren't really ready for it yet," he said.
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