Monday, September 22, 2008

UPDATE: Old Black Lab Back At Home

After a day of knocking on doors and meeting some more wonderful Milton neighbors, the old sweet Black Lab nicknamed Shoes, but whose real name is Duke, is back home tonight safe and sound after being missing since Friday night.

Thanks so much to all who helped me get him there!

Gosh, how I love this place!

Thanks Again,
Patti Silva

Dog Found, Black Lab

Sunday Evening 09/21/08

An older black Lab was found at Shannondale Farm at 2225 Birmingham Road (closer to Hopewell Road) in Milton about 6:30 this evening. They called me and now I have the dog at my home. He is jet black other than a white/grey muzzle and feet (i.e nicknamed "Shoes" by my children) and a green shock collar (with dead battery) but no tags. He also has a green scarf with fire trucks tied around his neck.

Do you know anyone missing a older black Lab? Could you please forward this email to your friends and neighbors in Milton so we can get him home.

He sure is a sweet old fella!

Please contact:
Patti Silva

Monday, September 15, 2008

Please Help Locate Missing Dog named HOWIE

Mini chocolate dappled Dachsund with one blue eye and one sorta dark grey. No tag (bad Momma) about 1.5 feet long and probably about 6 or7 years old. Very sweet, might bark at a stranger at first but very quickly relents. If you say "Howie, you wanna treat?" He goes nuts!!!

What else......His coloring is a light dapple and he is supppossedly a wire haired dachsund, I personally don't think he looks wire haired but that's what the paper work said!!!

As soon as I can possibly find a picture I will get it to you promptly.

Robin Shane

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Porter Academy Needs You

30004: If you can help even a little bit, please do and pass around. If you cannot, please just pass around..... Many Thanks.

I’m not sure if this is something you distribute – I got this from one of my neighbors, the author of this letter. The Porter School is a very special “special-needs” school located at Arnold Mill and Cox Road. Anyway, just thought I’d pass it on in case this was something you were interested in passing on...

I am the occupational therapist at Porter Academy - a small private school for kids with learning differences (changed our name from The Porter School). We are having our big annual fundraiser September 19th - a frisbee golf tournament for the kids. All of the money raised in this fundraiser goes towards building the extension onto our building (which we desperately need because we have grown out of our current space). But I go into all that in the attached letter. While this specific fundraiser is our excuse to ask for money, please do not feel limited by that date. We will be collecting money throughout the year for many years to try to pay for this building. Now's just very important b/c we need to convince ourselves that we have enough to proceed with the plans.

I know we're all crazy busy, but please take the time to read about the school and help out to any extent that is comfortable for you. I thing the greatest thing people can do is spread the word and ask your contacts if they can help out a bit too.

Off topic, but I was amazed when we were trying to find a home for a dog and I emailed Paul Broni and Marian, who had contacts with an animal rescue lady, who had tons of connections. There was just this huge outpouring of help b/c a couple people sent to each of their contacts. It was very exciting. So if that sort of thing could happen for the school, and everyone gave $5-$10, that would be a big help. Just hoping for a very wide-spread birthday collection pot :-)

So anyway, I'll stop rambling in the message and let you read the attached letter.......

About nine years ago, my mom (a speech therapist) started a school for kids with learning differences, and I now work there with her as one of the occupational therapists. The school has grown very quickly, as the societal need for schools like this is huge. We are currently filled to capacity at 68 kids and hope to grow to 75 students next year. We work with kids who struggle with things like dyslexia, language processing, attention deficit disorder, auditory processing disorder, visual processing, sensory integration disorder, poor organization, and fine and gross motor delays. Children who struggle with these things have a really hard time functioning in typical schools. Many of them are missing foundational skills that would allow them to sit still, attend, and take in information in a regular classroom. Most regular classroom teachers, no matter how caring, do not understand what is blocking these students from success, do not know how to help them, and do not have the resources available to them that would make it possible for them to help. These students need small groups, quiet learning environments, and multi-sensory learning techniques. Our school provides these things very well. Students who have given in to failure in typical learning environments come to our school and experience success for the first time. They gain the skills and the confidence they need to succeed in middle school, high school, and sometimes college.

The thing is that the teaching techniques that these children need in order to succeed require quite a bit of space, whether that space be for breaking into small (quiet) academic groups, doing bilateral coordination and sensory activities with the whole class in order to get the two sides of their brains communicating with each other, moving to the “planets song” with the music therapist, or acting out a story with the drama teacher. We currently do not have enough space to do these things with 75 students (it’s awfully tight with 68). Hence this letter.

We have plans to build an extension on to our current building (architectural plans done, potential loans and grants pending). This addition would house four new classrooms, each with a small breakout room, as well as a large multi-purpose room. It would provide enough space for every classroom to be able to break up into the small groups that these students need as well as the space needed to fully utilize the specialists at the school. We feel this summer is our best chance to get this done because construction works are in need of work due to the economic difficulties our country is having. And I do realize the irony of asking you to contribute some of your money during these hard times, but if you can just contribute a little and maybe get some of your friends to contribute a little, it will add up.

I really do believe in this school. It does amazing things for kids who have not found success anywhere else. Please go to the website and learn more. Anything you can contribute to help us out is truly appreciated. [Even 5 or 10 dollars.] There is a link on the website to contribute online or email me to let me know you’d like to contribute.

Lynn Schoeneck

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Missing Cat - REWARD!

She is a Gray Tabby and relatively small. She has been missing since Monday from near Freemanville and Birmingham Roads. She usually is very scared around new people. 

Please contact Ellen Steinhaus at 770-664-3508 or 678-315-1595. 
Thanks a million!

(Photo to post soon.)